Innovative, Engaging, & Inclusive…. the 2023 SRAI Annual Meeting has something for everyone! Join the conversation with your peers, recognized experts and industry leaders for five days of valuable, relevant, invigorating professional development, education and networking.
This year, the 2023 SRAI Annual Meeting will be held on-site at the Hyatt Regency Seattle, between October 14 - 18 and will offer a wide slate of workshops, main events, educational tracks and social networking opportunities designed to fit your educational needs.
Learn more about the wide variety of educational opportunities this meeting has to offer!
Taught by some of the most innovative, inspiring and creative leaders in the industry, you will keep your skill set competitive and fresh.
Keynote |
World-class experts inspire by sharing unique experiences, knowledge and ideas. |
Concurrent Session |
60-minute session that could be in the form of presentation, case study, discussion, panel, step-by-step, or roundtable presentation. The majority of concurrent sessions at SRAI meetings have typically fit in this category and form the core of conference offerings. Presenters are encouraged to use active learning techniques to engage audiences, distribute materials and respond to follow-up requests for more information. |
Workshop(additional fee) |
3 ½ or 7 hour workshops on specific learning topics, led by one or more experts. These are designed to allow attendees to more fully explore an area of interest and learn new skills or develop new strategies. Workshops may include more hands-on exercises, discussion groups, and other in-depth experiences. Workshops are only offered on the Monday and Tuesday before the conference. |
Deep Dive |
Learning Lab |
3 ½ hour sessions that are a blend of lecture based instruction, case studies, peer learning and interaction. The Learning Lab gives the opportunity for attendees to explore an area of interest and gain new knowledge. |
Symposium |
Each year SRA International has a tradition of publishing contributed posters at its annual meeting, which are designed to enhance and enrich the body of knowledge of research administration and management as an art and science. |
Research cost accounting; auditing; OMB requirements for universities, hospitals, private sector; matching funds issues/cost sharing; financial conflict of interest issues; facilities and administration costs; purchasing; salaries, compensation, honoraria; travel allocability and allowability; and working with sponsoring agencies and sub-recipient monitoring. |
Delivery of operational services and research and financial compliance programs; facilities management; research infrastructure such as capital programs and building and managing of science and technology parks; human resources and international personnel management; and supporting collaborations with international organizations. |
Continuing education commitment; building on personal growth and development; leadership; quality of life development; self-assessment; supervisor/staff relations; industrial/workplace psychology; and the emerging role of research administrators within the culture of research. |
Topics include: identifying, measuring, and communicating on the impact and outcomes of research and scholarly activity; bibliometrics; altmetrics; developing community partnerships & engagement; research/science outreach activities; knowledge mobilization; uses of social media for research communications; and global best-practices for maximizing research impact. |
Human research; animal research; peer review; mentor/trainee responsibility and development; publications; collaborative research ethics; scientific misconduct; standards for the responsible conduct of research; and research ethics education programs, curricula, requirements, and approaches. |
Patents; copyrights; intellectual property; technology transfer; undue influence and conflict of interest; Stark, Safe Harbors, Anti Kickback, HIPAA; institutional liability assessment and corrective action planning; FAR/DFAR; OMB Circulars and CFR’s; emerging regulations and statutes; interrelationship of federal, state and local law; international issues; import/export and licensing issues; and data sharing, monitoring, management, and ownership. |
The nature of “sponsorship”; defining roles and responsibilities between sponsors, grantors, awardees; private sector sponsors: technology, foundations; state sponsorship issues; federal agency updates; new initiatives in research; international agency relations; working with program officer leadership; and sponsoring agency rules. |
How to develop collaborative partnerships with industry, government and non-profit sectors; identifying strategies in developing public-private partnerships; institutional capacity building, including supply-side partnerships; faculty, positioning; effective grant writing techniques; the role of the research administrator in sponsored programs development; diversifying funding sources; communication strategies in sponsored programs development; and organizational and team structures to support successful program development. |
Technology Solutions in Research Administration |
Technology solutions are available to monitor and facilitate operations associated with the multiple regulations and requirements research administrators face while managing financial operations (pre-award and post-award), contracts, training, and protection of human and animal subjects. This track offers topics, experiences gained, and best practices to identify and maintain technology solutions in research administration. |