Breaking Barriers:
Together Towards Tomorrow

Our Annual Meeting is heading to Seattle!
Join us October 14-18 for a great line-up of workshops, keynote speakers, educational tracks that cover every facet of research administration and connect with like-minded professionals from across our global community.


Threads are an important component in planning for successful meeting content for the explicit purpose of ensuring that the program educational content will be sufficient to meet the needs of meeting and members from the various fields and components in research administration. Click below to learn more and see which sessions apply to each thread option. 

Biomedical Research 

These institutions focus on retrospective and prospective clinical studies, partner with academic and non academic health care systems and sponsors. Typically are very interested in compliance with human subject research protections, funding and management of clinical research with federal and non federal and other academic and non academic research partners.  

Download the Biomedical Research Thread Sheets

Departmental Administration

Representing institutions with decentralized research administration and typically individuals and department that support the researcher.  These professionals interface with centralized pre and post research administration departments, federal and non federal sponsors, and other research partners. They typically have the responsibility for assisting the researcher with grants (applications and awards) and assist in managing research performance. 

Download the Departmental Administration Thread Sheets

Diversity, Engagement, and Inclusion 

The Diversity, Engagement, and Inclusion (DEI) thread intends to identify SRAI programming that provides positive mentoring and networking opportunities with heightened involvement of all SRAI membership. 

Download the Diversity, Engagement, and Inclusion Thread Sheets


Research Administrators responsible for the administration of projects conducted in foreign countries to their own and/or collaborating with foreign nationals and institutions within their own country. Examples of session topics include: intellectual property and sensitive technologies (ITAR), foreign funding regulations of the various National funding agencies, immigration issues, customs and excise compliance, establishing foreign collaborations, startup projects overseas as well as risk management strategies for managing offshore projects. 

Download the International Thread Sheets


Organizations that typically have a public purpose and are tax exempt (by IRS regulation). Management of research in a non-profit is similar to management of research in an academic institution as both are subject to OMB oversight and eligible to apply for federal funding.  What makes the research environment different is the value of the research usually coincides with the purpose/mission of the organization.

Download the Non-Profit/Foundation Thread Sheets

Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions (PUI)

Mostly undergraduate college institutions.

Download the Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions (PUI) Thread Sheets

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